Eat That Frog With a Pomodoro:

Adil Numan
2 min readDec 31, 2020

This is a technique, which is used to complete a task on time with sufficient efficiency. This technique is very important for those who do not complete their task on time. I have never used this technique before but today in the evening time,I use this approach to write my blog on medium.

I keep my mobile silent mode and block all notifications from (Facebook, Twitter, Skype,WhatsApp and Instagram e.t.c.) then I use a timer of 25 minutes and start writing. At first my mind goes on a different side but I make a strong determination to complete this task on time. I decide to complete my task within a given time.

This technique says that you work according to a suitable and proper schedule. You will complete your task on time. Actually this technique used to save time.
Pomodoro is a technique used to deal with procrastination and its develops your habit of getting things on time by using time management strategy.
I decided to complete my blog on time and use this technique which is the following.

  • Firstly I identify my task, I decide to complete my blog on time.
  • I set the 25 minutes timer, after every 25minutes I take a short break of 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure, after completing 3 times I complete my task.
  • There is no distraction I feel because I was blocked from all notifications on my phone. And I did not receive any text.
  • After completing this task I will take a long break of 25minutes.
  • This technique helped me alot to complete this blog within a time. Because I was fully attentive and focused towards this blog.

This is done just because of practicing the pomodoro technique.and I did my work in a well planned and organized way. This is just because of practicing the pomodoro technique.
I will add one quote.

“Practice makes man perfect”.

